Dr. Marc Habermann
Research group leader
Human performance capture and synthesis Motion capture Hand tracking
2024/09/10: We will present 4 papers (1 journal, 1 ToG, 2 conference) at Siggraph Asia 2024! More details coming soon!
2024/07/02: 3 papers accepted at ECCV 2024!
2024/02/28: 5 papers accepted at CVPR 2024!
2023/11/28: 1 paper accepted at Neurips 2023 and 1 paper accepted at 3DV 2024!
2023/09/07: Two papers accepeted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2023! Updates will follow soon!
2023/08/17: Two papers accepeted at ICCV 2023!
2023/08/17: HDHumans won the SCA 2023 Best Paper Honorable Mention!
2023/07/03: HDHumans was accepted at SCA 2023!
2023/06/21: Marc Habermann received the Otto Hahn Medal for his Dissertation!
2023/05/04: EgoLocate was accepted at SIGGRAPH 2023 (Journal)!
2023/04/04: Unbiased4D was accepted at CVPR Workshop!
2023/02/16: Two paper accepted to Eurographics 2023. Updates will follow soon!
2022/12/04: One paper accepted to BMVC 2022. Updates will follow soon!
2022/09/29: Marc Habermann received the DAGM MVTec Dissertation Award 2022!
2022/07/29: Neural Radiance Transfer Fields was accepted as an ECCV 2022 (Oral).
2022/07/04: One paper accepted to ECCV 2022. Updates will follow soon!
2022/06/22: Physical Inertial Poser (PIP) was selected as a best paper candidate (1.6% of accepted papers) at CVPR 2022!
2022/04/27: Marc Habermann received the Eurographics 2022 PhD Award!
2021/03/03: One paper accepted to CVPR 2022. Updates will follow soon!
2021/11/18: Website went online!
Mission and Topics
Our group conducts research at the intersection of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. One long term goal and vision is to develop algorithms, which enable a complete analysis of dynamic and detailed humans. This, for example, involves 4D capture of the human surface, motion capture, lighting estimation, and surface appearance capture. However, not only the analysis of humans is in the focus of our research, but our group also explores new techniques for photorealistic human synthesis by combining concepts from Graphics, Vision, and Machine Learning. In summary, our research interests include but are not limited to:
Current researchers affiliated with the GVDH Group
Research group leader
Human performance capture and synthesis Motion capture Hand tracking
PhD Student
Human modeling and synthesis Clothing reconstruction 4D Representations
PhD Student
Performance/Motion Capture Human-Centric 3D Scene Understanding 3D/4D Reconstruction
Master Student
Diffusion-based Human Rendering Neural Rendering Human Modeling
Master Student (co-supervised with Eddy Ilg)
Relightable Scene Rendering Neural Rendering BRDF Estimation
Let's capture and synthesize detailed 4D digital humans from the real world!